John Legend Speaks Out About Wife Chrissy Teigen’s Heartbreaking Late-Term Abortion

Recently, John Legend opened up about Chrissy Teigen’s late-term abortion and how her life was at risk.

Legend said on Club Shay Shay, “My wife, she was well past 15 weeks when she had to have an abortion.”

He continued, “She was miscarrying and bleeding out, and all these things were happening. Her life was in danger.”

He added, “For the government to say, ‘Oh, we need to evaluate this to make sure you’re sufficiently dying before you can have an abortion…'”

Legend continued, “Women don’t need the government telling them what to do with their bodies.

People that have an abortion after 15 weeks almost always want to keep the baby, but there’s some kind of complication that came up that they have to have an abortion.”


