Denzel Washington Opens Up About HIs Opinion Of Politics

Recently, Denzel Washington addressed the political climate in the US and what he thinks about each party.

Denzel said, “You know, it’s so easy to stand outside America and say this and that. Turn around, you know? Pick a country. Any one.”

He continued, “It’s all politics. All promises unkept. And now with the information age the way it is — if anything — left, right, whatever had better learn how to use those tools to manipulate the people.

There was a great line in the first movie I did, [1981’s] Carbon Copy: ‘Power to the people? Yeah, they had it once — it was called the Stone Age.'”

He added, “We’re all slaves to information now. We really are. We’re all slaves.

So whatever you feel about the leaders, like this guy’s crazy or the other one is sane, you’d better realize you’re being manipulated by both sides.

Period. Yeah. So go to the movies.”


